Apr 19, 2021
 min read

Progress Over Perfection

I'll never forget the saying "progress is better than perfection", a phrase that I first encountered during an entrepreneurship workshop focused around sales. The phrase reared its head several times during the workshop because of the difficulty many people experience when they first get into sales. Let's narrow down the phrase to emphasize the simplicity and importance of it: "progress over perfection". I think most of us can agree that when we were younger, we definitely were not as capable, wise, or experienced as we are today. As Maya Angelou put it: "I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better", or as my grandmother says "one step at a time".

The overarching theme of "progress over perfection" is that your experiences and your progress are cumulative. The irony is that the 'dumbest' kid in the class that asks all of the questions is in reality the one that is most likely to best understand the material at hand. Put your ego aside, approach things with an open mind, and be prepared to learn. After all, progress is indeed better than perfection.

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